PMO Support Services

PMO Support Services

Working with organization’s to create and deliver new business models, sourcing strategies, strategic route-maps and specialist niche requirements through our business consultancy division.  Complimenting this, the ability to create a comprehensive strategic cost and savings plan supported by key performance indicators by means of measuring progress against strategic route-map will ensure that strategic objectives are met on time and on budget.

List of Services

Business Case Development

We create the investment business case to ensure that it is compelling to key stakeholders and approvers.  This will involve a clear line of sight between the strategic context and strategic need for change through to outcomes and benefits constituting a robust investment case for change.  The business case can also be supported with a detailed bottom up cost model to ensure there is clarity and transparency of the costs.

Cost Estimating and Modelling

We have a team of highly experienced finance experts who can with significant experience in cost estimating and modelling.  We have access to credible benchmark data which can be used build credibility where there is a lack of certainty.

Our team works with organizations to estimate work and build a supporting cost model which we hand over to the customer’s team on completion in order that they have full transparency on their costs from bottom up.

Benefits Realization Framework

In order to ensure the change outputs are directly linked to the outcomes and benefits the customer wants to achieve (both qualitative and quantitative), we develop a bespoke reusable benefits realization framework which is later fully integrated into project delivery lifecycle to ensure that benefits can be managed effectively and optimized.

Strategic Financial Planning

Any business strategy requires to be underpinned by a strategic financial plan and forecast future financial projections for an organization.

The financial planning process should begin with the long term, or strategic financial plans which in turn guide and inform the formulation of short term, or operating plans and budgets.

Long term financial planning should be preparing on a cash and profit basis.

Target Operating Model

We review the business from the outside across the 5 dimensions of the Target Operating Model.  This will then form the basis for the creation of a robust business model inclusive of a sourcing strategy, and then allow creating a transformation roadmap to migrate towards the new business model.

We have a team of senior experts who have developed new business models and delivered the transformational enables to develop towards the target state